Import Prepacked Setup
Import a complete GEDI configuration package
Last updated
Import a complete GEDI configuration package
Last updated
A 'GEDI Setup' is an XML file containing a complete GEDI configuration package of the Standard App. Using the 'GEDI setups' is a powerful and efficient way to import GEDI configurations on company level in Business Central.
Before importing any prepacked setups, make sure the following prerequisites are fullfilled:
License agreement with Golden EDI signed.
Each EDI-flow requires some kind of license agreement, please check with Golden EDI.
Golden EDI Standard App is installed. See Installing the Golden EDI standard App for instructions
Golden EDI Standard App ha been initialized. See Initialize the Golden EDI Standard App for instructions.
Golden EDI Profile updated with proper connection information.
More information on this subject can be found in
Please see our Guides for a list of documented 'GEDI Setups'
In the 'GEDI Setup Catalog' page in Business Central you can also find a list of all published 'GEDI Setups' available for downloading.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'GEDI Setup Catalog'.
In the list you are presented with the Name, Version and a short Description of the setups.
Choose 'New' and 'Synchronize List'. This is to make sure you have the latest versions of prepacked setups available.
Select the setup you like to import and then choose 'Process' and 'Synchronize setup'.
If there are more than one version available for the setup always choose the latest one.
Once the Synchronization is done the checkbox in column 'Importable' will be checked.
Now choose 'Process' and 'Import Setup' to import the GEDI configurations related to the selected setup.
A popup will ask you to confirm that you like to import the Setup. Press 'OK'.
When you import a setup it is possible to replace and overwrite current setups by enabling Delete Existing Setups. Make sure this option is not enabled if not intended.
Another popup will ask you to confirm again. Press 'Yes'.
After a few seconds the setup is completed and you will return to the 'GEDI Setup Catalog' page.
The prepacked 'GEDI Setups' can be imported on top of each other without conflict with already downloaded setups.
Next step is to learn how to do a backup of the GEDI configuration.