GEDI Message Queue
Manage EDI messages within the GEDI Message Queue
Last updated
Manage EDI messages within the GEDI Message Queue
Last updated
A 'GEDI Message', is something that will be, or have been processed within the Standard App. For example an Invoice that has been sent out or an order that has been imported, etc.
The 'GEDI Message Queue' page view present a list of all messages that have been or shall be sent.
'Entry number' is a sequence number generated by Business Central.
'Message Code' is the specific 'GEDI Message Code' for the function that shall be executed with the message. For example SI-03-EX = Export invoice, SO-01-IM = Import order. Click on the message code to see the description.
'GEDI Profile' is the specific profile that has generated the message.
‘Message ID’ is the ID that the specific message originates from. For example the Invoice number of an Exported Invoice. Or the Business Central internal order number for an imported order.
‘GEDI Message ID’ is the unique CIP Work Item ID that keeps a transaction in the CIP and Business Central linked together.
‘Processing Count’ shows how many times a message has been processed. A failed message will top at 5 and then be ignored.
‘Document ID’ is used by some functions to keep track on a second reference.
’Related Document ID’ is used by some functions to keep track on a third reference.
‘Message ready to be processed’. If this is unchecked it means that the message will not be processed.
‘Message received’. If this is unchecked it means that the message has not yet been processed.
Sometimes it is necessary to reset a message to run it again. For example if an invoice needs to be resent.
In Business Central search and go to ‘GEDI Message Queue’.
Click 'Search' and search for messages related to the message you need to re-run. To find an invoice search by invoice number and the page will show you messages related to that invoice number.
Find the message you like to re-run. You do that by looking for the correct ‘GEDI Message Code’. For example, to resend an invoice look for SI-02-RQ. That is the 'GEDI Message Code' to request the extraction of invoice information.
A list of what message codes the Golden EDI setup use can be found in ‘GEDI Messages Codes’ in Business Central.
Once you have found the correct 'GEDI Message Code', select that line and press ‘Process’ and ‘Reset for new run’.
The 'Message Received' checkbox is now unchecked meaning that the message will be processed next time the 'GEDIQUEUE' job que entry runs.
It is possible to force the message to be run directly by pressing 'Process' and 'Run Messages'.
When the SI-02-RQ message is processed the 'Message Received' is checked and the system has automatically generated the SI-03-EX holding the extracted data ready to be handled by the CIP.
Finally when the SI-03-EX is processed that message is updated with 'GEDI Message ID' and 'Message Received checked'. The invoice has now been resent to the CIP.
Sometimes it is necessary to add a new message manually to the ‘GEDI Message Queue’. For example if you need to resend an invoice against a different 'GEDI Profile'. Or if an invoice earlier sent by mail shall now be sent via EDI.
In Business Central search and go to ‘GEDI Message Queue’.
Click New to add a new entry.
Move to ‘Message Code’ and add the 'GEDI Message Code' you like to run. For Example to request an EDI-invoice to be sent add code SI-02-RQ.
A list of what message codes the Golden EDI setup use can be found in 'Standards'/'GEDI Codes’
Move to ‘GEDI profile’ and add the profile that should be used for the message.
In ‘Message ID’ add the invoice number.
Move to ‘Message ready to Process’ and check the checkbox.
Now you have added a 'GEDI Message' to request an EDI-invoice. When the request is processed by the job queue entry another 'GEDI Message' with code SI-03-EX will be automatically added and then processed.
Next step is to learn a bit about the 'GEDI Status Codes'
More information on this subject can be found in our .