Install the app from Microsoft AppSource
First you need to make sure that following prerequisites are fulfilled in order to install & setup the app:
License type for your user is a Full User.
Your permissions are set to 'SUPER' or equal.
Make sure you have permission to install Apps to your Business Central environment.
Set your Role Center to 'Business Manager'. So that you get the correct privileges to run the initialization of Golden EDI.
This documentation is made for Golden EDI app version or higher. If you already have a lower version of our app, you need to uninstall it and re-download it from AppSource
Go to Golden EDI app on the Microsoft AppSource.
Click 'FREE TRIAL' under the logo to install the app:
You may be prompted to login to your Microsoft Office 365 account, do so if that option comes up.
Fill out your contact information and accept terms, then click on Continue.
Choose the environment where the app should be installed, most likely your production environment.
Now it will install the app automatically in the background.
In Business Central, if you go to page 'Extension Management' you can see the status. After a few minutes the Golden EDI app should say "Installed" when it's done.
When it is installed you can move on to the next page
Freemium - A Product setup for Golden EDI app on Appsource for Business Central
Golden EDI - Freemium adds powerful functionality that will make your invoicing process more streamlined.
Golden EDI - Freemium allows you to setup the ‘Customer Card’, to automatically send out PDF invoices and credit memos via e-mail when ‘Posting’ them. This means you don’t have to manage them one by one, which is ineffective and time consuming.
Choose ‘GEDI Profile’ on ‘Customer Card’ to activate functionalities.
In ‘Posted Sales Invoices/Credit memos’ you’ll find an overview of ‘GEDI Status’ of the Invoice.
‘GEDI Message queue’ gives traceability on all PDFs generated and allows reprocessing.
‘Job Queue Entries’ processes the messages separately in the background, as scheduled.
PDF Order Confirmation can be activated if needed.
Available for Business Central Cloud via Microsoft AppSource
Supports E-mail PDF Invoices via your own SMTP.
Possibility to enable PDF Order Confirmation via your own SMTP.
Free to use! No installation or transaction fees.
Do you want to send e-invoices also? Our App can handle that for you as well. Please see our other products 'Basic Invoice' and 'Advanced Invoice' for more info!
It is also possible to customize the PDF functionalities further, for example adding Invoice Reminders or adding other attachments to the emails. Please contact support@goldenedi.com to get help with this.
If you have already installed Freemium, you can jump directly to the User Guide bellow.
This guide will help you how to initialize, setup and use Golden EDI Freemium functionality that will support you to automatize your invoice process.
Choose your Outgoing Email configuration
In Business Central version 18 and later, a new feature for outgoing email was added called 'Email Accounts'.
We recommend that you use the new way of setting up e-mail via 'Email Accounts' when setting up a new GEDI Freemium.
Both 'Email accounts' and 'SMTP Mail Setup' is compatible with GEDI Freemium. 'Email Accounts" have priority if your environment have both configured.
'Email Accounts' have more functionality build into Business Central in Standard, and GEDI Freemium can take full advantage of these new functionalities.
New advantages of using 'Email Accounts' is for example;
Possibility to setup multiple outgoing e-mail accounts.
Adding scenarios, using different outgoing e-mails per document type.
Overview in Business Central of email sent out as well as preview of them.
Easier setup of MS 365 Shared mailboxes.
Reply or forward a already sent e-mail using the inbuilt preview of the email.
Please contact your Business Central partner for more information about added advantaged of using 'Email Accounts'.
In Business Central 19 update later 2021 Q4, Email Accounts will be enabled as standard.
In Business Central, search and to go 'Feature Management'.
Check if the row "Feature Update: Enhanced email capabilities" is enabled or disabled.
This feature needs to be enabled if you want to setup 'Email Accounts'.
Contact your Business Central Partner and analyze consequences before enabling this yourself!
If this feature is Enabled, go to 'Email Accounts' page bellow to configure this.
If this feature is Disabled, go to 'SMTP Mail Setup' page bellow to configure this.
Or if you already have either mail setup in your Business Central environment, you can move on to Initialize instead.
Initialize the app via a assisted setup
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI - Initialize'.
If you already completed "Golden EDI - Initialize" in another of our products on this version of the App, you don't need to to it again. If so, jump to the "Freemium" section.
Accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by clicking the checkbox and then Next. You can find both the privacy policy and the terms of use on the AppSource.
At the next page click on 'Next' to download and import base data necessary for Golden EDI. The download will not take more than a few seconds to complete.
Close the first assisted setup by clicking done.
Either run the guide for "Email Accounts" or "SMTP Mail Setup", you don't need both!
"Feature Update: Enhanced email capabilities" needs to be disabled in feature management for you to find the assisted setup bellow.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Set up outgoing email' if its not already Completed. (If this is already Completed, you can jump to the '' page)
Select the email provider, pictured will be a set-up of ‘Other Email Provider’ using SMTP.
Fill in the email account details and then click next when you are done.
Click finish to complete the set-up of E-mail communication. If you need to verify your settings, you can click ‘Send Test Email’ and check if it works. If not, you can go back and check the entered details.
If you have problems setting up your SMTP, please contact your BC partner to help you with this.
Move on to 'Initialize' when you have a working outgoing e-mail.
Either run the guide for 'Email Accounts' or 'SMTP Mail Setup', you don't need both!
'Feature Update: Enhanced email capabilities' needs to be enabled in feature management for you to find the assisted setup bellow.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Set up outgoing email' if its not already Completed. (If this is already Completed, you can jump to the '' page)
Select the email type and progress the assisted guide as instructed in the pop-ups.
Fill in the email account details and then click next when you are done.
If you choose to run Microsoft 365 shared mailbox, the BC user who runs the GEDIQUEUE job queue later, needs to have e-mail rights configured for the outgoing e-mail address.
Finish the assisted setup. If you need to verify your settings, you can click ‘Send Test Email’ in the assisted guide itself and check if it works. If not, you can go back and check the entered details.
If you have problems setting up your SMTP, please contact your Business Central partner to help you with this.
Move on to 'Initialize' when you have a working outgoing e-mail.
Send out PDF Order Confirmations
When the customer cards are configured correctly, and you have Enabled Order Confirmation, we can look at how the order process to send PDF email works with the Golden EDI app.
When a sales order is created, it will inherit the 'GEDI profile' from the customer cards that we have configured. The GEDI profile will activate the freemium functions.
Before releasing or posting a sales order, it is possible to remove or change the 'GEDI profile' on it to override the customer cards for that specific sales order.
When you are trying to "release" or "post" a sales order, the Golden EDI app will listen to this event and add it to the 'GEDI Message Queue', and the Order Confirmation will be processed directly during the release of the order. (It will not wait for the 5min GEDIQUEUE).
If you released the Sales order, the 'GEDI Status' have been updated to 'PDF Sent (Confirmation)', letting you know that the message is sent.
If you posted the Sales order instead, it is now a Posted Sales Invoice and you won't see this status. If the Order Confirmation for some reason failed, the posting should have stopped with an error.
In the second case, you can still check the 'GEDI Message Queue' to check if the Order Confirmation was sent out. In this case, search for the Sales Order nr in 'Message ID'.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Customers'.
Open up the customer card that you want to enable Basic Invoice for.
Under the 'Invoicing' section you will find the 'GEDI Profile' to activate the functionalities for the customer, change the GEDI Profile to 'PDF-INVOIC'.
There is 2 ways to configure which e-mail address the Invoice should be sent to, Document layouts and standard e-mail contact.
If Document layouts are filled in, this has a higher priority and the PDF will be sent to this e-mail. Document layouts have the added benefit of allowing more customization on the customer.
If Document layouts are not filled in, it will be sent instead to the e-mail contact on the customer card (18|102) . In this case your standard defined Invoice PDF report will always be used and Invoice, Credit and Order Confirmation will be sent to the same e-mail contact on the customer card.
If neither of these 2 are filled in, the PDF e-mail will not be sent out!
If you want to use document layouts;
Still in the customer card, go to 'Navigate' in the header bar, and click on 'Document layouts'.
Create 2 rows here according to this table (3 rows if you use enabled order confirmation):
Report ID
Send to Email
The report you use for invoices
The receiver of invoice
Credit Memo
The report you use for credit memos
The receiver of the credit memo
Order Confirmation
The report you use for Order Confirmation
The receiver of the Order confirmation
If you are not sure which Reports to use, please contact your BC partner to help you with this.
If you want to send the invoice to multiple email addresses, this can be done in document layouts using a ; as separator. E.g. email1@company.com;email2@company.com.
It is also possible in the document layout to change the e-mail body that is sent out. This is done in selecting a 'Email Body Layout Description' and enable 'Use for email body'. It could be that you already have templates here to use. If you want to add new once, please contact your BC partner for this.
If you have many customers to configure this way, we recommend you to use our batch update customers assisted setup.
The standard defined report and email body text used in the case when not using document layouts, this is instead defined in the page "Report Selection - Sales", Usage: "Invoice" / "Credit Memo".
Configure Freemium via a assisted setup
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'.
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI – PDF Invoicing Setup'.
At the first screen you can read through the information and then click next when you are ready. It will start downloading and importing the configuration for PDF invoicing.
When it’s done you will be taken to the next screen where you can fill out both the “From Address” used when sending the invoices/credit-memos and the language used when generating the text in the e-mails.
When all 3 assisted setups are done, you can move on to the next page to run a test case with your new functionalities in freemium, to make sure that it works correctly.
After the test case is done, the final step will be to create the the Job Queue Entries to activate the automation.
There is also the possibility to use assisted setup for 'Golden EDI - Customer Setup' to batch update the customers with GEDI profiles.
After you have went thru the User Guide - Customers to understand how to correctly configure customer cards for e-invoicing, you can also use our assisted setup for batch updating the relevant customers much faster.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'.
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI - customer Setup'
Select the Profile you want to add in the selection box above the list.
In the list of customers bellow, select the customer row that you want to add the profile to and click the button 'Set GEDI Profile'.
You should now see profile you selected in the GEDI Profile column.
In the Email column, you can see and change the standard e-mail from the customer card.
If you want to setup Document layouts for the customer, type in the correct report IDs in columns 'Invoice Report' and 'Credit Report'. When you do this, document layouts row will be created on the customer using the standard email address from the customer.
You can see the Document layouts created if you select the customer and press "Document Layout" button at the lower right. Then you can also change the email, if you want another receiver than the standard email.
'GLN' column is not used for 'Freemium'
Run a test case to check that SMTP and app is configures correctly.
First, setup 1 customer to test with according the the 'Customers' section in the 'User Guide'.
IMPORTANT - To be able to run this test you need a Sales Invoice that we will later 'Post'. If your using a real invoice for the test, put yourself as the email receiver first to confirm it works.
In Business Central, search and go to the page "Sales Invoices"
Open the sales invoice that you want to run the test with.
Under the "Invoice Details" section, you will find the field 'GEDI Profile'. Change this to 'PDF-INVOIC', in order to activate the functionality.
'Post' the invoice.
If you search and go to the page 'Posted Sales Invoice' you can find a column with 'GEDI Status' - this should now have status 'PDF Requested'.
Search and go to the page 'GEDI Message Queue'.
Here you will find a row with your invoice number in 'Message ID' column and with the 'Message Code' = 'SI-22-PR', probably it's the last row in the list.
Mark the row, and go to 'Process' tab and click 'Run Message' to manually trigger the invoice.
If you go back to 'Posted Sales Invoices' you can see that the GEDI Status is now 'PDF Sent'
If you received the e-mail this means the test was successful and SMTP and customer configuration is correct.
If you changed the customer email to your own address for the test, don't forget to set it back to the correct customer email!
During this test you manually processed the message via our 'GEDI Message Queue', in the next step we will create and schedule 'Job Queue Entries' to handle this for us automatically in the background.
Before you go-live, you should have done these steps;
Configures business Central according to the guide.
Made a test case to make sure you are sending out emails with PDFs correctly.
Updated the customer cards according to the guide.
Optional - to be sent out via email PDFs.
If all of above is done, and you are ready to go-live, go back to 'Job Queue Entries' in Business Central and restart the 'GEDIQUEUE' and 'GEDIDELETE' job queues to start processing queued messages in our app.
If you for some reason wants to stop or pause the automatic processing in the future, you should set 'Job Queue Entry' 'GEDIQUEUE' and 'GEDIDELETE' to 'Set On Hold'. You can restart it whenever you want to enable it again.
The user that restarts the Job Queue Entry must have user permissation set 'SUPER' or 'GEDI ADMIN FULL'.
Follow up on your first invoices after this and make sure their GEDI status reaches 'PDF Sent', as described in the
Freemium also includes the possibilty to send out PDF Order Confirmation via e-mail. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled following these steps;
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'GEDI Message Setup'.
In that table, you'll find 2 rows 'SO-22-PR' and 'SO-23-PS'
On these 2 rows, uncheck the checkbox in the column, 'Not Create Automaticall'
Now PDF Order Confirmation is enabled.
Schedule the messages to automatically process
In this section we will create 2 different Job Queue Entries, 'GEDIQUEUE' & 'GEDIDELETE'.
GEDIQUEUE: will be set on a 5min schedule, each workday between 07:00 & 20:00, and will process all new messages to the Cloud Service
GEDIDELETE: will be set once a day schedule, at 04:00, and will clean up old GEDI data no longer needed.
If you have multiple Golden EDI solutions combined in your Business Central Company, and you already have Job Queue Entries configured, you don't need to create new identical once! e.g. if 'GEDIDELETE' already exist, don't create another one.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Job Queue Entries'
Click new to create a new 'Job Queue Entry Card'
To the right of the 'General' Section, click 'Show more' to make sure you see all needed fields.
Fill in the 'Job Queue Entry Card' for 'GEDIQUEUE' as per screenshot or list bellow.
If you have combined our 'Freemium' product with 'Advanced invoice' or another custom made EDI solution using our app, then additional settings on the GEDIQUEUE should be set to enable Heartbeats. Heartbeats should not be active if you only run 'Freemium' or 'Basic Invoice'
'GEDI Run Heartbeat to Golden EDI' - set to 'Checked' 'GEDI Run Heartbeat w. GEDI Profile - choose 'INTERNAL'
The 'GEDIQUEUE' 'Job Queue Entry' is now setup to processing the EDI messages automatically every 5min, each workday between 07:00 and 20:00
Close the Pop-up and don't restart the job queue yet.
Click new to create a new 'Job Queue Entry Card'
To the right of the 'General' Section, click 'Show more' to make sure you see all needed fields.
Fill in the 'Job Queue Entry Card' for 'GEDIDELETE' as Screenshot or list bellow.
The 'GEDIDELETE' 'Job Queue Entry' is now now setup to clean up old GEDI data no longer used once a day at 04:00.
Close the Pop-up and don't restart the job queue yet.
Golden EDI - Basic Invoice are now configured in your Business Central!
The next step will be to update the relevant customers with the 'GEDI Profile' and the correct e-invoice configurations. More on how to do this under User Guide - Customers.
Once you have went thru the User Guide - Customers to understand how to correctly configure them for e-invoicing, you can also use our assisted setup for batch updating the relevant customers much faster.
Object Type to Run
Object ID to Run
Job Queue Category Code
Run on Mondays
Run on Tuesdays
Run on Wednesdays
Run on Thursdays
Run on Fridays
Starting Time
Ending Time
No. Of Minutes between Runs
Object Type to Run
Object ID to Run
Job Queue Category Code
Run on Mondays
Run on Tuesdays
Run on Wednesdays
Run on Thursdays
Run on Fridays
Starting Time
Now when the customer cards are configured correctly, we look at how the invoice process to send PDF email works with the Golden EDI app.
When a sales order, invoice or credit note is created, it will inherit the 'GEDI profile' from the customer cards that we have configured. The GEDI profile will activate the freemium functions.
Before posting a sales invoice or credit note, it is possible to remove or change the 'GEDI profile' on it to override the customer cards for that specific sales invoice or credit note.
When you are trying to "post" a sales invoice or credit memo, the Golden EDI app will listen to this event and add it to the 'GEDI Message Queue' as an unprocessed message.
At this point the 'GEDI Status' for the posted sales invoice or credit note have been updated to 'PDF Requested', letting you know that the message is queued.
Every 5 minutes during normal business hours, a 'Job Queue Entry' is scheduled to process all unprocessed message in the 'GEDI Message Queue', at this point they will be sent out as emails via your SMTP.
If the email was sent out successfully, the 'GEDI Status' of the posted sales invoice or credit note will be updated to 'PDF Sent'.