Initialize the app via a assisted setup
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI - Initialize'.
If you already completed "Golden EDI - Initialize" in another of our products on this version of the App, you don't need to to it again. If so, jump to the "Basic Invoice" section.
Accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by clicking the checkbox and then Next. You can find both the privacy policy and the terms of use on the AppSource.
At the next page click on 'Next' to download and import base data necessary for Golden EDI. The download will not take more than a few seconds to complete.
Close the first assisted setup by clicking done.
Basic Invoice - A Product setup for Golden EDI on Appsource for Business Central
Golden EDI - Basic Invoice adds powerful functionality that will make your invoicing process more streamlined.
Golden EDI - Basic Invoice allows you to setup the 'Customer Card', to automatically send out your invoices and credit memos electronically when 'Posting' them. This means you don’t have to manage them manually, which is ineffective and time consuming.
Choose 'GEDI Profile' on 'Customer Card' to activate functionalities.
In Posted Sales Invoices/Credit memos you’ll find an overview of 'GEDI Status' of the Invoice
'GEDI Message queue' gives traceability on all invoices and credit-memos that has been generated and allows reprocessing.
'Job Queue Entries' processes the messages separately in the background, as scheduled.
Available for Business Central Cloud via Microsoft AppSource
Supports E-invoices to receivers in the Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
Supports E-invoices using PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 using GLN as identifier.
Each Business Central company requires a separate license with Golden EDI
3 Different Exchange types; EDI, PDF via E-mail or Paper Print
PDF layout for e-mail or print via Basic Invoice is standard format.
Invoice data sent according to GEDI standard template
Not able to send invoice attachments with the e-invoice
Doesn't require an extra user license in Business Central
If this doesn't match your business requirements, please check out our Advanced Invoice, that can be customized according to your business needs.
When downloading the Golden EDI App from the appsource, it's also prepacked with some free functionalities, such as automatically send out PDF invoices via e-mail/SMTP. Please read more about our "Freemium" on the Appsource.
If you have already installed Basic Invoice, you can jump directly to the User Guide bellow.
This guide will help you how to initialize, setup and use Golden EDIs Basic Invoice functionality that will support you to automatize your invoice process.
Configure Basic Invoice via a assisted setup
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'.
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI - Basic Invoice Setup'.
Read thru the information in the popup and click 'next', to start download and import Basic Invoice necessary files. The download will not take more than a few seconds to complete.
When it's done you will be taken to the next screen where you can fill in the conversion between your invoice units and standardized units for EDI.
The page will automatically find 'Units of Measure' defined in your Business Central. In the column 'Standard Code' you should fill in the corresponding EDI code for units used in invoicing, see list bellow.
EDI Code
Piece, the most common unit used.
Kilogram (KG)
Litre (L)
Milligram (MG)
Millilitre (ML)
Millimetre (MM)
Metre (M)
Square Metre (M^2)
Qubic Metre (M^3)
Metric Ton
Box / Number of Packs
Gram (g)
Centimetre (CM)
Kilometre (KM)
EUR 6 Pallet (800 X 600 mm). Also known as ISO 0 Pallet, 1/2 EUR Pallet.
EUR Pallet (800 X 1200 mm). ISO 6780 ISO 1 Pallet.
Bottle, Non-Protected, Cylindrical
Gigabyte (GB)
Service Unit
Click next when you are done.
Next step is to fill the conversion between your currency codes and standardized currency codes.
Usually in Business Central everything is pre-configured with the correct standard currency codes, but if it's not, you have here a chance to convert it to correct codes in EDI. Double check the currencies that you can invoice in, column 'Standard Code' is used for EDI.
Click next when you are done.
Read thru the information in the popup and click Finish.
Install the app from Microsoft AppSource
First you need to make sure that following prerequisites are fulfilled in order to install & setup the app:
License type for your user is a Full User.
Your permissions are set to 'SUPER' or equal.
Make sure you have permission to install Apps to your Business Central environment.
Set your Role Center to 'Business Manager'. So that you get the correct privileges to run the initialization of Golden EDI.
Golden EDI version or higher is required for Basic Invoice. If you already have a lower version of our app, you need to uninstall it and re-download it from AppSource.
Go to Golden EDI app on the Microsoft AppSource.
Click 'FREE TRIAL' under the logo to install the app:
You may be prompted to login to your Microsoft Office 365 account, do so if that option comes up.
Fill out your contact information and accept terms, then click on Continue.
Choose the environment where the app should be installed, most likely your production environment.
Now it will install the app automatically in the background.
In Business Central, if you go to page 'Extension Management' you can see the status. After a few minutes the Golden EDI app should say "Installed" when it's done.
When it is installed you can move on to the next page
Configure the connection to our Cloud Service
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'GEDI Profiles'
on the 3 profile rows 'BASIC-BBAN', 'BASIC-BGIR' and 'BASIC-IBAN', you need to fill in 'GEDI Connection Id' and 'GEDI API Key'. You should have received these in the 'Golden EDI - Next Steps' e-mail when you registered your company on our cloud. The same Connection ID and API key is used for all 3 profiles.
IMPORTANT! - If you use multiple companies in your Business Central, each GEDI Connection ID and corresponding API key must be unique for each company.
Each legal unit must have a individual license to send e-invoices!
The 3 profiles are setup to send different bank information that you want the payment of the invoice to be payed to, each customer needs to be setup with the correct payment type. The information is taken from "Company Information" page in BC.
GEDI Profile
Account from
Bank from
Domestic Bank account
Bank Account No. (79|14)
SWIFT Code (79|39)
Swedish Bankgiro
Giro No. (79|11)
Always: 'BGABSESS'
International Bank account
IBAN (79|38)
SWIFT Code (79|39)
When both assisted setups are done, and the profile is configured you can move on to the next page to run a test case with your new functionalities in Basic Invoice, to make sure that it works correctly and a connection to the Cloud Service has been established.
After the test case is done, the final step will be to create the the Job Queue Entries to activate the automation.
There is also the possibility to use assisted setup for 'Golden EDI - Customer Setup' to batch update the customers with GEDI profiles.
Upgrade to advanced invoice to customize your e-invoice according to your business needs.
If you have other requirements for your e-invoice that doesn't match our Basic Invoice standard template, it is possible to upgrade to an Advanced Invoice instead.
In the Advanced Invoice our Application Specialist will customize the e-invoice according to your business needs.
Here are some examples of added benefits of the Advanced Invoice:
Basic Invoice
Advanced Invoice
Customize invoice data sent
Attach your own PDF layout to e-invoice
Invoice attachments can be included
PDF layout & Attachment can be merged to 1 PDF
Create multiple profiles for different requirements
Status update & traceability
In Portal only
In App or Portal
Cloud Service monitors Job Queue Entry Errors
E-invoice to private person via bank
Available on NAV and BC On-Prem versions
Register your company on our portal
Before you can start setting up basic invoice as per this guide, you need to register your company on our portal registration page to get your license.
After your have submitted your registration you will receive 2 e-mails from us:
'Golden EDI - Next Steps' - a short summery to guide your next steps and connection settings.
'Document to e-sign' - License agreement thru Scrive.
Basic Invoice requires a separate license with Golden EDI for each Business Central company.
Read thru the license agreement and sign it on Scrive before proceeding this guide to install the App.
Run a test case to check that the connection to our cloud service has been established
You can only run the test case when the connection is initially in test mode, once your connection is set to go-live, this test case will be sent out as a real e-invoice!
IMPORTANT - To be able to run this test you need a Sales Invoice that we will later 'Post'. If your using a real invoice for the test, you'll also need to distribute it to the customer as normal! The test will not be sent out as a e-invoice, it will only be sent to your e-mail.
In Business Central, search and go to the page "Sales Invoices"
Open the sales invoice that you want to run the test with.
When 'Posting' a invoice with the profiles activated, the app now controls that all key fields needed to send a basic invoice is filled in. If any such field is empty a error will tell you what is missing and abort the 'Posting'.
Example of key fields required:
'External Document No' (Table 36| Field 100)
'Sell-to Contact' (Table 36| Field 84)
When you go back to the invoice, and add the missing key fields, you can now try to 'Post' it again.
If you search and go to the page 'Posted Sales Invoice' you can find a column with 'GEDI Status' - this should now have status 'EDI Posting'
Search and go to the page 'GEDI Message Queue'.
Here you will find a row with your invoice number in 'Message ID' column and with the 'Message Code' = 'SI-12-RP', probably it's the last row in the list.
Mark the row, and go to 'Process' tab and click 'Run Message' to manually trigger the invoice.
When it's done, you should have a new row in the list with the invoice number in 'Message ID' and 'Message Code' = 'SI-13-EP' and a 'GEDI Message ID'.
GEDI Message ID is the transaction id from the cloud service, if it succesfully responded
When you registered your organization in our portal, you picked a 'E-mail for EDI issues'. This e-mail address should now have received a e-mail with the EDI file attached.
If you go back to 'Posted Sales Invoices' you can see that the GEDI Status is now 'EDI Posted'
If you received the e-mail this means the test was successful and the connection to the cloud service has been confirmed.
During this test you manually processed the message via our 'GEDI Message Queue', in the next step we will create and schedule 'Job Queue Entries' to handle this for us automatically in the background.
Under the "Invoice Details" section, you will find the field 'GEDI Profile'. Change this to any of the 3 profiles, in order to activate the functionality. (In the User Guide - section we'll explain how to setup customers with this instead of each invoice).
After you have went thru the User Guide - Customers to understand how to correctly configure customer cards for e-invoicing, you can also use our assisted setup for batch updating the relevant customers much faster.
In Business Central, search and go to the page 'Assisted Setup'.
In 'Assisted Setup', click on 'Golden EDI - customer Setup'
Select the Profile you want to add in the selection box above the list.
In the list of customers bellow, select the customer row that you want to add the profile to and click the button 'Set GEDI Profile'.
You should now see profile you selected in the GEDI Profile column.
If you want to use GLN as identification reference, input the customer's GLN into the GLN column.
Repeat for every customer that you want to configure.
Click 'Done' when you are finished with all customers you wanted to change.
Using this method to add the 'GEDI Profile' to the customer Card will not change the Document Exchange Type. This will still be empty as default, which means it's setup as E-invoice type.
'Invoice Report' & 'Credit Report' columns, as well as the 'Document layout' button is not used for Basic Invoice.